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Managing the energy transition

威尼斯电玩城手游, 可持续性 is about meeting today’s energy needs—安全, reliably and economically—while finding responsible solutions for our future energy. As a leader within the energy infrastructure sector, 威尼斯电玩城手游明白威尼斯电玩城手游有责任支持创新和全球解决方案,以实现可靠和负担得起的能源. 欲知详情,请浏览 ivantseng.com/sustainability


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未来,世界将需要各种形式的能源来支持不断增长的全球人口和人类繁荣的持续发展. TC Energy is well positioned to provide the necessary energy, 以各种形式, to support North American demand. Even during these challenging times, we understand how essential our business is to the wellbeing of our society. Whether it’s today—during this difficult situation—or tomorrow, 威尼斯电玩城手游将继续以最安全和最可靠的方式帮助满足这种能源需求, while finding responsible solutions for our energy future.

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How is TC Energy responding and how will this shape our energy portfolio, operations and profitability?

Our commitment to reducing emissions and improving efficiencies is not new. 60多年来,威尼斯电玩城手游一直采用新技术和创新方法,以最大限度地减少运营过程中的排放. 作为一家能源公司, with diverse businesses in natural gas, 动力和油, we are well positioned to support the future energy mix. This includes our expansion into the LNG industry and in renewable energy.

威尼斯电玩城手游有一个多年的战略计划,确定了关键的优先事项,以实现威尼斯电玩城手游谨慎和经过时间考验的商业战略和强大的研发计划, with a focus on improving the safety and efficiency of our facilities. We know there is more work to do to reduce overall global emissions, 但威尼斯电玩城手游也相信,能源行业将是实现低碳未来的关键部分.

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威尼斯电玩城手游将继续关注各种形式的能源,以平衡能源需求和全球减排目标. Outside of our diverse businesses in natural gas, 动力和油, we have partnered in the LNG industry and have invested in several new solar projects, hydro energy pump storage projects and the world’s first waste heat recovery project. We also continue our investments in the Bruce Power project in Ontario, which provides emission-less energy to roughly one-third of Ontario.

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What is TC Energy's response to carbon pricing?

降低全球温室气体排放对实现低碳未来至关重要. 威尼斯电玩城手游支持基础广泛的, 经济范围内的碳定价,并认为有效的碳定价结构必须:

  • Facilitate meaningful emissions reductions
  • Balance economic, environmental, and energy security needs
  • Provide the regulatory certainty required to attract capital
  • Consider the role of natural gas in the timely transition to a low-carbon economy
  • Maintain and encourage the North American energy sector competitiveness
  • Support market-based policies to promote industry innovation
  • Ensure compliance flexibility and support for carbon offsets
  • Recognize and account for early and/or voluntary actions
  • Harmonize policy frameworks and avoids duplication

When such principles inform public policy, 它们将总体社会成本降至最低,并允许市场决定最成功的技术. 威尼斯电玩城手游知道,强有力的气候变化政策需要工业界的共同努力, 政府, communities and consumers to see true change in our actions against climate change. 威尼斯电玩城手游将继续努力与政策制定者和行业同行合作,帮助威尼斯电玩城手游的行业充分参与北美气候变化的讨论.

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Does TC Energy care about climate change? What is our response to the climate change issue?

对能源的需求对威尼斯电玩城手游的日常生活至关重要,解决气候变化问题也是如此. To effectively tackle the climate change issue, 世界必须找到新的和创新的方法来减少全球排放,同时仍然确保威尼斯电玩城手游都需要的必要能源. 作为一个在减少排放和解决气候变化相关问题方面有着悠久创新历史的组织, 威尼斯电玩城手游支持《威尼斯电玩城游戏下载》的目标,并准备在迈向低碳未来的过程中迎接威尼斯电玩城手游面临的重大挑战. 威尼斯电玩城手游将继续与加拿大、美国和加拿大的工业界、学术界和政府合作.S. 加强威尼斯电玩城手游管道运营的安全性和效率,并找到进一步减少排放的方法.